Tuesday 4 March 2014

Happy Pancake Day!

Good Afternoon fabulous people,

Just thought it would be fun to share a few pancake recipes to get you in the mood for a pancake feast this evening! A friend and i conjured up the three course pancake dinner, when our love for pancakes went a little crazy and only having a few after dinner just didn't quite fulfil us! The tip is to make a big batch of batter (see recipes below to fit your requirements!) and split it into two bowls, I like to add a pinch of cracked black pepper and sea salt into one batch to make them savoury and leave the other mixture plain ready for all those delicious desert toppings! Top tip, prep all of your toppings first to prevent over cooking the pancakes whilst panicking where an ingredient is and also therefore no delay in eating these tasty morsels....a cold pancake is not fun for anyone!

For 'Starter' pancakes we like to opt for the bacon and cream cheese filling. Add a sprinkling of rocket before rolling and you will be in heaven! Next up is the main course, a favourite of ours is to cook one side of the pancake then as soon as you have turned it over sprinkle with a mature cheddar and finely chopped red or white onion depending on your preference! Also spinach and ricotta makes for a nice vegetarian alternative. For you meat eaters out there...cook off some chicken in a sprinkling of paprika, a few red peppers and a scattering of chorizo and you have yourself a taste of Mexico in a pancake too!

Now for the desert pancakes...where you can really go wild with toppings! Firstly clean the pan, or have another one handy, realising that you can taste the bacon from the previous pancakes on your sweet pancakes is not tasty! You will only make that mistake once hehe! Same principle as the main course, cook once side first and throw on your toppings whilst the second side is cooking! Mixed berries drizzled with honey is a nice combination.  We also love mixing dark chocolate chips into the batter or spreading melted white chocolate over one side and scattering with raspberries. Alternatively add some cinnamon into the batter before cooking and top with baked apple. Yummy!  You can't really fail with a sprinkling of sugar and a squeeze of fresh lemon though let's be honest!

Standard pancake mix:

100g flour
2 eggs
300ml milk

remember .... melt a little butter to coat the pan before cooking the pancakes! Don't get it too hot as the butter will burn!

Gluten Free:

Being wheat intolerant myself i would highly  recommend using Doves Farm Foods organic gluten free flour (you can get this from most good Tesco's, Sainsbury's even the co-op!) I found adding a splash more milk to make the batter a little more liquid helps to avoid the dry consistency you can get from gluten free baking! 

For those still on a health kick..here is @cleanandlean healthy oak pancake recipe:

Feeds 2 - 4 People-
100g organic oats
200g organic fat-free cottage cheese
4 organic eggs
1 tsp of cinnamon

Blend all ingredients in a food processor and then pour a ladle full into a heated pan. Cook for 2 -3 minutes on each side. Add blueberries for an anti- oxidising sweetness or a squeeze of raw honey!

I hope this has inspired some pancake fun this evening!
Lots of Love

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